These Are The 10 Best First Jobs For Economics Majors

We analyzed millions of resumes to determine the best jobs for Econ Majors right out of college.

Recently, we brought you a post all about the most common jobs for Economics Majors straight out of college. Hint: the word “internship” popped up more times than there are Starbucks on street corners.

And while internships are valuable and can help get your foot in the door… well, we all know that they’re not exactly the ideal job straight out of school. So rather than looking at the most common jobs for Econ Majors, today, we’re looking at the best ones.

Here they are: the 10 best jobs for Economics Majors, straight out of college:

10 Best Jobs For Economics Majors Out Of College



Computer and Mathematical

Product Manager



Executive Management








Computer and Mathematical

Business Analyst



Executive Management

Program Manager



Computer and Mathematical




Executive Management

Store Manager



Executive Management

General Manager



Computer and Mathematical

Operations Manager


That’s right Econ Majors: if you want to make the big bucks and have a fair amount of growth in your future career, you might want to look into these jobs. In the next section, we’ll get more into our methodology.

How We Determined The Best Jobs For Econ Majors

We know that your education, skills, and interest levels have a whole lot to do with what you want to do in your career. That’s why we’ve taken these things into consideration when creating our lists! We've amassed a collection of over 3 million resumes from real people, like you, across the country. This includes over 30,000 people that graduated with an economics degree.

From there, we needed to decide what exactly makes the best job the best job for Econ Majors. We settled on these criteria:

  • Availability (More common is better)
  • Average Salary (Higher paying is better)
  • Potential For Growth (High growth potential is better)
  • Job Security (More job security is better)

We then looked at the 50 most common jobs for Econ Majors right out of school, and ranked them all with scores from 1 to 50 in the above criteria, where the lowest scores were the best.

Next, we averaged the rankings for each to create a Best Job Index.

And finally, we crowned the place with the lowest Best Job Index as the “Best Job for Economics Majors Right out of College.” That honor went to the future Product Managers of the world.

Zippia Colleges and Majors - Social sciences and history - Economics